About Us
Ministries We Support
What We Believe
We have no entrance test to come worship with us. If you do come join us on Sunday at 9:30am, you will sit in pews next to and sing songs with people at various places in their faith journey. We invite you to come, to worship, to learn, and to grow along with us.
What we teach and preach is classic orthodox Christian faith. Our tradition puts an emphasis on active religion that changes us from the inside out and sends us to make the world a better place. But at the core we believe and teach basic Christianity.
We believe every person can know the love and forgiveness of God and that God wants all people to be a part of His kingdom in heaven.
Here are a few particular things we teach and preach.
The Trinity. We worship God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We affirm God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, ever present with us working to bring good into our lives.
We believe the Father Almighty is creator of all that is or ever was or ever will be.
(Note changes below) mostly punctuation changes
The Lordship of Jesus Christ: We believe Jesus to be the Savior and Lord and that our salvation comes by faith in Him. We believe Jesus Christ is fully human, fully divine, he died for our salvation, he rose again, and he will come again to judge the living and the dead.
The work of the Holy Spirit: We believe that through the Holy Spirit, God gave birth to the Church. By God’s Spirit, believers are transformed, gifted and empowered for ministry to all the world. We believe the Holy Spirit works in the lives of believers and the church to empower and purify us so we might follow Jesus.
The authority of Scripture: We affirm the Scripture, both Old and New Testaments, as God-inspired. We believe the Bible to be the primary authority of faith and practice. We believe the Bible is the final authority on all matters related to our faith and how we live as Christians.
The grace of God: We believe that the mercy and grace of God are available to all people and affirm John Wesley’s three-fold understanding of grace: Prevenient Grace, Justifying Grace, Sanctifying Grace.
The importance of prayer and worship: We affirm the Church is called to be a House of Prayer for all the nations, laying a foundation of prayer under all the ministries of the Church. We are committed to joyful worship in spirit and in truth.
The priesthood of all believers: We affirm that God calls, gifts, and expects every believer to carry out the ministry and work of the Church.
Ministry to all the world: We affirm John Wesley’s conviction that “the world is our parish.” We are called to live out our faith both in word and deed wherever the Lord world lead us.
Radical hospitality: Everyone is welcome at our church. Come as you are and experience lively, spirit-filled worship and warm hospitality.